VŠB-TU Ostrava Fakulta strojní Katedra robotiky

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Ing. Jakub Krejčí – Publications




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A total of 3 publications matching your selection found:


Articles In Foreign Journals

Krejčí, J., Babiuch, M., Suder, J., Krys, V., Bobovský, Z. Internet of Robotic Things: Current Technologies, Challenges, Applications, and Future Research Topics. Sensors. 2025. 25(3), 765.  DOI   WoS   Impact 3.4 (Q2) 


Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Wierbica, R., Krejčí, J., Krys, V., Kot, T. Increasing the Energy Efficiency of Robotic Workplaces. In Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2024. 33nd International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2024. pp. 523-531. ISBN 9783031592560. ISSN 2211-1098. e-ISSN 2211-1099.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 


Articles In Foreign Journals

Krejčí, J., Babiuch, M., Babjak, J., Suder, J., Wierbica, R. Implementation of an Embedded System into the Internet of Robotic Things. Micromachines. 2023. 14(1), 113.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 3.523 (Q2)