VŠB-TU Ostrava Fakulta strojní Katedra robotiky

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Ing. Petr Široký – Publications




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A total of 4 publications matching your selection found:


Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Pastor, R., Huczala, D., Vysocký, A., Oščádal, P., Mlotek, J., Heczko, D., Zeman, Z., Široký, P. Modular Rover Design for Exploration and Analytical Tasks. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2020. pp. 203-215. ISBN 9783030438890. ISSN 0302-2974.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 


Articles In Czech Journals

Pastor, R., Vysocký, A., Široký, P., Konečný, Z., Karník, L. Use of Different Simulation Methods for Design of Experimental Rover. MM Science Journal. 2018, December, pp. 2616-2620. ISSN 1805-0476.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 


Articles In Foreign Journals

Konečný, Z., Široký, P., Krys, V., Kot, T. Mobile Chassis on a Modular Principle. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 816. (2015), Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp 294-299.  OBD 

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Široký, P., Krys, V., Kot, T. Mobile Chassis on a Modular Principle. In ERIN 2015. Praha : Vienna University of Technology, Czech Technical Unversity in Prague, 2015. ISBN 978-80-01-05736-0.  OBD