Master’s and Bachelor’s Theses
A total of 32 student theses matching your selection found:
2012/2013 - Master’s Study
master’s thesis
Miroslav Buček
The Construction Design of Service Robot for Servicing Grass Areas
supervisor: Ing. Ladislav Karník, CSc.
master’s thesis
Pavel Dolejší
Design of the Parallel Manipulator with Four Degrees of Freedom
supervisor: prof. Dr. Ing. Vladimír Mostýn
master’s thesis
Tomáš Hruška
Construction Design of the Robotic Arm whit Using of Linear Actuators
supervisor: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Konečný, Ph.D.
master’s thesis
Tomáš Chamrád
Machine Vision Application for Robotized Cells
supervisor: Ing. Václav Krys, Ph.D.
master’s thesis
Tomáš Chlopčík
The Construction Design of Service Robot for Monitoring and Sampling in Bigger Depths
supervisor: Ing. Ladislav Karník, CSc.
master’s thesis
Kamil Janecký
Service Robot for Maintenance of Roofs Surface
supervisor: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Konečný, Ph.D.
master’s thesis
David Kaňok
The Construction Design of Laparoscopy Robotic Surgical Tool with Active Degree of Freedom
supervisor: Ing. Ladislav Karník, CSc.
master’s thesis
Martin Korabečný
Robotized Cell for Railway Wheelsets Assembly
supervisor: Ing. Václav Krys, Ph.D.
master’s thesis
Lukáš Kušnír
Wheel Drive of a Multi-Wheel Mobile Robot
supervisor: prof. Dr. Ing. Vladimír Mostýn
master’s thesis
Jakub Mžik
Robotized Educational Cell with Robot ABB IRB 360
supervisor: Ing. Václav Krys, Ph.D.
master’s thesis
Michal Poštulka
Design of Standpoint for Hydrogen Automatic Fueling into The Personal Motor Cars Reservoirs
supervisor: doc. Ing. Milan Mihola, Ph.D.
master’s thesis
Lubomír Prokop
Analysis and optimization of modular manipulator for mobile robot
supervisor: Ing. Václav Krys, Ph.D.
master’s thesis
Ondřej Samák
Design of equipment for handling semifinished products intended for forging
supervisor: doc. Ing. Milan Mihola, Ph.D.
master’s thesis
Jáchym Šnajdr
Automated System for Threading
supervisor: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Konečný, Ph.D.
2012/2013 - Bachelor’s Study
bachelor’s thesis
Tomáš Betlach
Aplication of SMA Based Materials in Mechatronics
supervisor: doc. Ing. Milan Mihola, Ph.D.
bachelor’s thesis
Pavel Heider
Constructive Design of Three-fingers Effector
supervisor: doc. Ing. Milan Mihola, Ph.D.
bachelor’s thesis
Lukáš Hildebrand
Design of Four Wheel Car Chassis Intended for Testing of Control Algorithms
supervisor: doc. Ing. Milan Mihola, Ph.D.
bachelor’s thesis
Martin Kiszka
Design of Electronic Dog Doors
supervisor: Ing. Michal Gloger, Ph.D.
bachelor’s thesis
Miroslav Krajča
Construction Design of an Interstage Conveyor for Cylindrical Objects Transport
supervisor: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Konečný, Ph.D.
bachelor’s thesis
Filip Kramer
Reconnaissance Flying Subsystem of Emergency Robot
supervisor: Ing. Petr Kopec, Ph.D.
bachelor’s thesis
Jakub Melčák
Design of a Four-Finger Robotic Hand
supervisor: prof. Dr. Ing. Vladimír Mostýn
bachelor’s thesis
Petr Pobucký
Design of a Mobile Robot in Accordance with the MiniSumo Competition Rules
supervisor: Ing. Ján Babjak, Ph.D.
bachelor’s thesis
Martin Ryšavý
The Design of Robotized Workplace for Spraying Bicycle Frames
supervisor: Ing. Ladislav Karník, CSc.
bachelor’s thesis
Marek Šostok
Design of a Handheld Telescopic Pole with a Gripper
supervisor: prof. Dr. Ing. Vladimír Mostýn
bachelor’s thesis
Jiří Švec
Design of Workplace for Paletization of Chains
supervisor: doc. Ing. Zdeněk Konečný, Ph.D.
bachelor’s thesis
Pavel Vavřík
Modification of Existing Mobile Robot Undercarriage
supervisor: Ing. Václav Krys, Ph.D.
bachelor’s thesis
Jan Vicherek
The Design of Robotized Workplace for Cutting Profiles of Shorter Size
supervisor: Ing. Ladislav Karník, CSc.
bachelor’s thesis
Aleš Vysocký
Pucks Feeder for Robot Training Cell with ABB IRB 140
supervisor: Ing. Václav Krys, Ph.D.