VŠB-TU Ostrava Fakulta strojní Katedra robotiky

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doc. Ing. Tomáš Kot, Ph.D. – Publications




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A total of 100 publications matching your selection found:


Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Wierbica, R., Krejčí, J., Krys, V., Kot, T. Increasing the Energy Efficiency of Robotic Workplaces. In Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2024. 33nd International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region, RAAD 2024. pp. 523-531. ISBN 9783031592560. ISSN 2211-1098. e-ISSN 2211-1099.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 


Articles In Foreign Journals

Lukáš, D., Kot, T. Hierarchical Real-Time Optimal Planning of Collision-Free Trajectories of Collaborative Robots. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems. 2023, 107, article number 57.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 3.129 (Q3) 

Vysocký, A., Poštulka, T., Chlebek, J., Kot, T., Maslowski, J., Grushko, S. Hand Gesture Interface for Robot Path Definition in Collaborative Applications: Implementation and Comparative Study. Sensors. 2023, 23(9), 4219.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 3.576 (Q2) 

Oščádal, P., Kot, T., Spurný, T., Suder, J., Vocetka, M., Dobeš, L., Bobovský, Z. Camera Arrangement Optimization for Workspace Monitoring in Human–Robot Collaboration. Sensors. 2023. 23(1), 295.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 3.576 (Q2) 


Articles In Foreign Journals

Kot, T., Wierbica, R., Oščádal, P., Spurný, T., Bobovský, Z. Using Elastic Bands for Collision Avoidance in Collaborative Robotics. IEEE Access. 2022. vol 10, pp. 106972-106987. ISSN 2169-3536.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 3.476 (Q2) 

Vysocký, A., Grushko, S., Spurný, T., Pastor, R., Kot, T. Generating Synthetic Depth Image Dataset for Industrial Applications of Hand Localization. IEEE Access. 2022, vol. 10, pp. 99734-99744. ISSN 2169-3536.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 3.476 (Q2) 

Huczala, D., Kot, T., Pfurner, M., Krys, V., Bobovský, Z. Multirepresentations and Multiconstraints Approach to the Numerical Synthesis of Serial Kinematic Structures of Manipulators. IEEE Access. 2022, vol. 10, pp. 68937-68951.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 3.476 (Q2) 

Oščádal, P., Spurný, T., Kot, T., Grushko, S., Suder, J., Heczko, D., Novák, P., Bobovský, Z. Distributed Camera Subsystem for Obstacle Detection. Sensors. 2022, 22(12), 4588.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 3.576 (Q2) 

Heczko, D., Oščádal, P., Kot, T., Boleslavský, A., Krys, V., Bém, J., Virgala, I., Bobovský, Z. Finding the Optimal Pose of 2D LLT Sensors to Improve Object Pose Estimation. Sensors. 2022, 22(4), 1536. ISSN 1424-8220.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 3.576 (Q2) 

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Huczala, D., Kot, T., Mlotek, J., Suder, J., Pfurner, M. An Automated Conversion Between Selected Robot Kinematic Representations. In 10th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation (ICCMA, Luxembourg). 2022. ISBN 978-1-6654-9048-1.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 


Articles In Czech Journals

Suder, J., Kot, T., Panec, A., Vocetka, M. Analysis of Increasing the Friction Force of the Robot Jaws by Adding 3D Printed Flexible Inserts. MM Science Journal. 2021, issue December, pp. 5322-5326. ISSN 1803-3126.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Articles In Foreign Journals

Kot, T., Bobovský, Z., Heczko, D., Vysocký, A., Virgala, I., Prada, E. Using Virtual Scanning to Find Optimal Configuration of a 3D Scanner Turntable for Scanning of Mechanical Parts. Sensors. 2021, 21(16), 5343.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 3.576 (Q2) 

Kot, T., Bobovský, Z., Vysocký, A., Krys, V., Šafařík, J., Ružarovský, R. Method for Robot Manipulator Joint Wear Reduction by Finding the Optimal Robot Placement in a Robotic Cell. Applied sciences. 2021, 11(12), 5398.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 2.747 (Q3) 

Sinčák, P., Virgala, I., Kelemen, M., Prada, E., Bobovský, Z., Kot, T. Chimney sweeping robot based on a pneumatic actuator. Applied sciences. 2021, 11(11), 4872.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 2.474 (Q3) 

Heczko, D., Oščádal, P., Kot, T., Huczala, D., Semjon, J., Bobovský, Z. Increasing the Reliability of Data Collection of Laser Line Triangulation Sensor by Proper Placement of the Sensor. Sensors. 2021. 21(8), 2890.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 3.275 (Q2) 

Huczala, D., Kot, T., Pfurner, M., Heczko, D., Oščádal, P., Mostýn, V. Initial Estimation of Kinematic Structure of a Robotic Manipulator as an Input for Its Synthesis. Applied sciences. 2021. 11(8), 3548.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 2.474 (Q3) 

Straková, E., Lukáš, D., Bobovský, Z., Kot, T., Mihola, M., Novák, P. Matching Point Clouds with STL Models by Using the Principle Component Analysis and a Decomposition into Geometric Primitives. Applied sciences. 2021. 11(5), 2268.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 2.474 (Q3) 

Kot, T., Bobovský, Z., Brandstötter, M., Krys, V., Virgala, I., Novák, P. Finding Optimal Manipulator Arm Shapes to Avoid Collisions in a Static Environment. Applied sciences. 2021, 11(1), 64.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 2.474 (Q3) 

Virgala, I., Kelemen, M., Prada, E., Sukop, M., Kot, T., Bobovský, Z., Varga, M., Ferenčík, P. A Snake Robot for Locomotion in a Pipe Using Trapezium-like Travelling Wave. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2021, Volume 158, April 2021, Article number 104221.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 3.312 (Q1) 


Articles In Czech Journals

Suder, J., Vocetka, M., Kot, T., Fojtík, F., Fusek, M. Testing of Glued Joints on Plastic Parts Manufactured Using FFF Technology. Acta Polytechnica. 2020, vol. 60 no. 6.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Jha, V., Grushko, S., Mlotek, J., Kot, T., Krys, V., Oščádal, P., Bobovský, Z. A Depth Image Quality Benchmark of Three Popular Low-Cost Depth Cameras. MM Science Journal. 2020, issue December, pp. 4194-4200.  DOI   WoS   OBD 

Articles In Foreign Journals

Vocetka, M., Huňady, R., Hagara, M., Bobovský, Z., Kot, T., Krys, V. Influence of the Approach Direction on the Repeatability of an Industrial Robot. Applied sciences. 2020. 10(23), 8714.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 2.474 (Q3) 

Vysocký, A., Papřok, R., Šafařík, J., Kot, T., Bobovský, Z., Novák, P., Snášel, V. Reduction in Robotic Arm Energy Consumption by Particle Swarm Optimization. Applied sciences. 2020, 10(22), 8241.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 2.474 (Q3) 

Kelemenová, T., Dovica, M., Božek, P., Koláriková, I., Benedik, O., Virgala, I., Prada, E., Miková, L., Kot, T., Kelemen, M. Specific Problems in Measurement of Coefficient of Friction Using Variable Incidence Tribometer. Symmetry. 2020, 12(8).  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 2.645 (Q2) 

Vysocký, A., Grushko, S., Oščádal, P., Kot, T., Babjak, J., Jánoš, R., Sukop, M., Bobovský, Z. Analysis of Precision and Stability of Hand Tracking with Leap Motion Sensor. Sensors. 2020, 20, 4088.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 3.275 (Q2) 


Habilitation Theses

Kot, T. Rychlá podpora integrace kolaborativních a průmyslových robotů v malých a středních podnicích : habilitační práce. Ostrava : VŠB-Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2019. 111 s.


Articles In Czech Journals

Suder, J., Mihola, M., Konečný, Z., Kot, T., Pastor, R. Modifications to the Effector for Measurement of Gripping Force. MM Science Journal. 2018, December, pp. 2606-2610. ISSN 1805-0476.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Articles In Foreign Journals

Novák, P., Kot, T., Babjak, J., Konečný, Z., Moczulski, W., Rodriguez, Á. Implementation of Explosion Safety Regulations in Design of a Mobile Robot for Coal Mines. Applied Sciences. 2018, vol. 8, Issue 11 (special issue Advanced Mobile Robotics). ISSN 2076-3417.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 2.217 (Q2) 

Mostýn, V., Krys, V., Kot, T., Bobovský, Z., Novák, P. The Synthesis of a Segmented Stair-Climbing Wheel. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2018, Volume 15, issue 1, ISSN 1729-8814.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 0.952 (Q4) 

Kot, T., Novák, P. Application of Virtual Reality in Teleoperation of the Military Mobile Robotic System TAROS. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2018, vol. 15, issue 1. ISSN 1729-8814.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 0.952 (Q4) 

Bernatíková, Š., Tomášková, H., Bužga, M., Jirák, Z., Novák, P., Babjak, J., Kot, T., Krys, V., Jánošík, L. Verification of Electronic Device Technology for Measurement and Evaluation of Thermal Exposure of Fire Fighters and Members of Rescue Teams. Medycyna Pracy. 2018, vol. 69, nr. 1, pp. 1-11. ISSN 0465-5893.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD   Impact 0.61 (Q4) 

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Kot, T., Novák, P., Babjak, J. Using HoloLens to Create a Virtual Operator Station for Mobile Robots. In 19th International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC). IEEE, 2018. pp. 422-427. ISBN 978-1-5386-4763-9.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Babjak, J., Kot, T., Novák, P., Krys, V., Bobovský, Z. Mobile Robot Failure Prevention by Real-Time Thermal Monitoring. In Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems MESAS 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 10756. Cham : Springer, 2018. pp 133-139. ISBN 978-3-319-76071-1.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Kot, T., Novák, P., Babjak, J. Application of Augmented Reality in Mobile Robot Teleoperation. In Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems MESAS 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol 10756. Cham : Springer, 2018. pp 223-236. ISBN 978-3-319-76071-1.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 


Articles In Czech Journals

Novák, P., Kot, T. Telerescuer. Akademik - univerzitní časopis VŠB-TU Ostrava. 2017, roč. 2017, č. 1, s. 9-9. ISSN 1213-8916.

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Kot, T., Babjak, J., Novák, P. Analysis and Prevention of Selected Risks of Remotely and Autonomously Controlled Mobile Robot TeleRescuer. In Proceedings of the 18th International Carpathian Control Conference, ICCC 2017. In Proceedings of the 2017 18th International Carpathian Control Conference, ICCC 2017. 2017. pp. 551-554. ISBN 978-1-5090-4862-5.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Kot, T., Mihola, M., Babjak, J., Novák, P. Gripper with Precisely Adjustable Gripping Force. In Proceedings of the 18th International Carpathian Control Conference, ICCC 2017. 2017. pp. 555-559. ISBN 978-1-5090-4862-5.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Kot, T., Novák, P., Babjak, J. System for Creation and Display of 3D Maps of Coal Mines. In Proceedings of the 2017 Coal Operators' Conference. Wollongong : The University of Wollongong Printery, 2017. pp. 117-124. ISBN 978-1-74128-261-0.  OBD 

Novák, P., Babjak, J., Kot, T., Bobovský, Z., Olivka, P., Moczulski, W., Timofiejczuk, A. Telerescuer - reconnaissance mobile robot for underground coal mines. In Proceedings of the 2017 Coal Operators' Conference. Wollongong : The University of Wollongong Printery, 2017. pp. 331-339. ISBN 978-1-74128-261-0.  OBD 


Articles In Czech Journals

Suder, J., Bobovský, Z., Krys, V., Kot, T. Modifications of the Mobile Robotic System Crawler. Transactions of the VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Mechanical Series. 2016, vol. LXII, no. 2, pp. 49-59, ISSN 1804-0993.  DOI   OBD 

Novák, P., Babjak, J., Kot, T. Thermal Exposition Monitoring of Firefighters. MM Science Journal. 2016, November, pp. 1482-1486.  DOI   Scopus   OBD 

Gala, M., Krys, V., Kot, T. The Mechanical Design and Realization of the Omnidirectional Mobile Robot Odin. MM Science Journal (Scopus). 2016. June 2016, Number 2, pp. 896-899. ISSN 1803-1269.  DOI   Scopus   OBD 

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Krys, V., Bobovský, Z., Kot, T., Marek, J. Synthesis of action variable for motorcontrollers of a mobile system with specialwheels for movement on stairs. In Perspectives in Science. 2016. Volume 7. pp. 329-332. ISSN 2213-0209.  DOI   OBD 

Olivka, P., Mihola, M., Novák, P., Kot, T. The 3D Laser Range Finder Design for the Navigation and Mapping for the Coal Mine Robot. In 17th IEEE International Carpathian Control Conference, ICCC 2016. 2016. pp. 533-538. ISBN 978-146738606-7.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Kot, T., Novák, P., Babjak, J. Visualization of Point Clouds Built From 3D Scanning in Coal Mines. In 17th IEEE International Carpathian Control Conference, ICCC 2016. 2016. pp. 372-377. ISBN 978-146738606-7.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Kot, T., Novák, P. Using Virtual Reality to Assist an Operator of the Military Robotic Manipulator Arm TAROS. In AiMT (MARS). 2016 (sborník MARS nebyl vydán!).

Novák, P., Babjak, J., Kot, T., Moczulski, W. Mobile Robot for Extreme External Working Conditions. In AiMT (MARS). 2016 (sborník MARS nebyl vydán!).

Olivka, P., Mihola, M., Novák, P., Kot, T. The Design of 3D Laser Range Finder for Robot Navigation and Mapping in Industrial Environment with Point Clouds Preprocessing. In Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems MESAS 2016. 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9991, Springer. pp. 371-383.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Kot, T., Novák, P., Babjak, J., Olivka, P. Rendering of 3D Maps with Additional Information for Operator of a Coal Mine Mobile Robot. In Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems MESAS 2016. 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9991, Springer. pp. 214-225.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Babjak, J., Novák, P., Kot, T., Moczulski, W. Control System of a Mobile Robot for Coal Mines. In Proceedings of the 2016 17th International Carpathian Control Conference, ICCC 2016. 2016. pp. 17-20. ISBN 978-1-4673-8606-7.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Novák, P., Babjak, J., Kot, T. Safety Ambient Monitor for Firefighters. In Proceedings of the 2016 17th International Carpathian Control Conference, ICCC 2016. Tatranska Lomnica. Slovakia : 29 May - 1 June 2016. pp 523-526. ISBN 978-146738606-7.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 


Articles In Foreign Journals

Gala, M., Krys, V., Kot, T. Testing the Accuracy of the Trajectory Ride for Omnidirectional Mobile Robot Odin. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol 772. (2015), Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp 500-505. ISBN-13 : 978-3-03835-502-1.  OBD 

Konečný, Z., Široký, P., Krys, V., Kot, T. Mobile Chassis on a Modular Principle. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 816. (2015), Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp 294-299.  OBD 

Krys, V., Gala, M., Kot, T., Mostýn, V. Upgrade of the Drives Control for Omnidirectional Mobile Robot Odin. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 816. (2015), Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp 282-287.  OBD 

Krys, V., Bobovský, Z., Kot, T., Mostýn, V. Special Wheels for Overcoming Stairs. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 811. (2015), Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp. 268-272.  DOI   OBD 

Bobovský, Z., Krys, V., Kot, T., Mostýn, V. Velocity Characteristics of Movement of Chassis with Special Wheels for Overcoming Stairs. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 811. (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, pp. 263-267.  DOI   OBD 

Bobovský, Z., Krys, V., Babjak, J., Kot, T. Connecting System for Quick Replacement of Mechatronic SCHUNK Power Cube Modules for Mobile Robotic Systems. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 772, pp. 318-323, Jul. 2015.  DOI   OBD 

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Široký, P., Krys, V., Kot, T. Mobile Chassis on a Modular Principle. In ERIN 2015. Praha : Vienna University of Technology, Czech Technical Unversity in Prague, 2015. ISBN 978-80-01-05736-0.  OBD 

Gala, M., Krys, V., Kot, T. The Mechanical Design and Realization of the Omnidirectional Mobile Robot Odin. In ERIN 2015. Praha : Vienna University of Technology, Czech Technical Unversity in Prague, 2015. ISBN 978-80-01-05736-0.  OBD 

Kot, T., Novák, P., Babjak, J. Virtual Operator Station for Teleoperated Mobile Robots. In Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems. International Workshop, MESAS 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, April 29-30, 2015, s. 144-153. ISBN 978-3-319-22383-4.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Novák, P., Babjak, J., Kot, T., Olivka, P. Exploration Mobile Robot for Coal Mines. In Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems (MESAS 2015). Prague, Czech Republic, April 29-30, 2015. pp. 209-215, ISBN 978-3-319-22383-4.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 


Articles In Foreign Journals

Novák, P., Babjak, J., Kot, T., Mostýn, V. Control System Of A Heavy-duty Fire Extinguishing Mobile Robot. Robototechnika i techničeskaja kibernetika. 2014, roč. 4, č. 3, s. 2529. ISSN 2312-6612.  OBD 

Krys, V., Mostýn, V., Kot, T. The Synthesis and Testing of a Shaped Wheel for Stairs Climbing Robot. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014, volume 555, pp. 178-185. ISBN 978-3-03835-111-5.  DOI   Scopus   OBD 

Kot, T., Novák, P. Utilization of the Oculus Rift HMD in Mobile Robot Teleoperation. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014, volume 555, pp. 199-208. ISBN 978-3-03835-111-5.  DOI   Scopus   OBD 

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Novák, P., Babjak, J., Kot, T., Mostýn, V. Control System Of A Heavy-duty Fire Extinguishing Mobile Robot. In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technological Conference Extreme Robotics (Saint-Petersburg, October 1-2, 2014). 2014. pp. 261-265. ISBN 975-5-906555-74-8.

Kot, T., Krys, V., Novák, P. Simulation System for Teleoperated Mobile Robots. In Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems Workshop (MESAS 2014, Roma, Italy, May 5-6). Berlin : Springer, 2014. pp 164-172. ISBN 978-3-319-13822-0.  Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Kot, T., Krys, V., Mostýn, V., Novák, P. Control System of a Mobile Robot Manipulator. In Proceedings of the 2014 15th International Carpathian Control Conference, ICCC 2014. 2014. pp 258-263. ISBN 978-1-47-993528-4.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Bobovský, Z., Novák, P., Krys, V., Kot, T. The Module for a Self-Reconfigurable Robotic System. In Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2014). Košice : TU Košice, 2014. ISBN 978-1-4673-5929-0.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Kot, T., Babjak, J., Krys, V., Novák, P. System for Automatic Collisions Prevention for a Manipulator Arm of a Mobile Robot. In Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2014). Košice : TU Košice, 2014. pp. 167-171. ISBN 978-1-4799-3442-3.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 


Articles In Foreign Journals

Babjak, J., Kot, T., Polák, D. Control System of the Rescue and Fire Extingusihing Robot Hardy. Acta technica corviniensis – Bulletin of engineering. 2013. ISSN 2067-3809.  OBD 

Novák, P., Mostýn, V., Kot, T., Krys, V. Stereoscopic System with the Tight Tilted Cameras. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, vol. 332, pp. 154-164. ISSN 1662-7482.  DOI   Scopus   WoS   OBD 

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Babjak, J., Kot, T. Control System of the Rescue and Fire Extinguishing Robot Hardy. In Proceedings of the ERIN 2013 Conference. Bratislava : SjF STU Bratislava, 2013. ISBN 978-80-227-2849-2.  OBD 


Contributions In Czech Conferences Or Workshops

Halama, R., Fusek, M., Fojtík, F., Kot, T. Real Time Measurement and Evaluation of Washer Extractor Vibrations. In Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference on Experimental Stress Analysis. Praha : ČVUT, 2012. s. 129-134. ISBN 978-80-01-05060-6.  Scopus   WoS   OBD 


Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Mostýn, V., Kot, T. Anti-collision system for vision assisted control of a mobile robot manipulator arm. In Proceedings of the ICMT 11 - International Conference on Military Technologies. Brno : University of Defence, 2011. pp. 941-947. ISBN 978-80-7231-787-5.  OBD 

Mostýn, V., Novák, P., Kot, T. Solution of the extinguishing and rescue robot control system. In Proceedings of the ICMT 11 - International Conference on Military Technologies. Brno : University of Defence, 2011. pp. 949-954. ISBN 978-80-7231-787-5.  OBD 

Disertation Theses

Kot, T. Využití virtuální reality při řízení mobilních robotů v bezpečnostním inženýrství : disertační práce. Ostrava : VŠB - TU Ostrava, 2011. 141 s.


Articles In Czech Journals

Kot, T., Babjak, J., Mostýn, V., Novák, P. Controlling a manipulator of a service robot by following the operator's hand movement in space. Transactions of the VŠB-TU of Ostrava. 2010, vol. LVI, Mechanical series, no. 1, pp. 121-125. ISSN 1210–0471.  OBD 

Contributions In Czech Conferences Or Workshops

Krys, V., Kot, T., Babjak, J., Mihola, M. The HERCULES Mobile Robot Manipulator. In 11th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics. Ostrava : Fakulta strojní, VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2010.  OBD 


Articles In Czech Journals

Kot, T., Mostýn, V., Novák, P. Application of a 3D Representation of 2D Laser Scanner Data in Operator Controlled Mobile Robots. Transactions of the VŠB-TU of Ostrava. 2009, vol. LV, Mechanical series, no. 1, pp. 145-152. ISSN 1210–0471.  OBD 

Kot, T., Mostýn, V., Novák, P. Integration of Sensor Information Into Camera Image Presented to Mobile Robot Operator. Transactions of the VŠB-TU of Ostrava. 2009, vol. LV, Mechanical series, no. 1, pp. 153-160. ISSN 1210–0471.  OBD 

Krys, V., Kot, T. Laboratoř Servisní Robotiky. Akademik, časopis VŠB-TU Ostrava. 2009, roč. XIII, č. 7, s. 14-15. ISSN 1213-8916.  OBD 

Babjak, J., Kot, T., Novák, P., Mostýn, V. Remote Control of Electric Wheelchair. Transactions of the VŠB-TU of Ostrava. 2009, vol. LV, Mechanical series, no. 1, pp. 1-6. ISSN 1210–0471.  OBD 

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Kot, T., Mostýn, V., Novák, P. Application of Virtual Reality for Verification of Characteristics of Mobile Robots. In Proceedings of the ICMT 09 - International Conference on Military Technologies. Brno : University of Defence, 2009. pp. 516-523. ISBN 978-80-7231-649-6.  WoS   OBD 

Mostýn, V., Novák, P., Kot, T. Application of Virtual Reality For Verification of Driving Properties of Mobile Robots. In Proceeding of Lectures of 3rd International Conference Modelling of the Mechanics and Mechatronics Systems - MMaMS 2009. 2009. pp. 308-311. ISBN 978-80-553-0288-1.  OBD 

Mostýn, V., Kot, T., Mihola, M., Krys, V. Simulation Model of Manipulating Arms of the Service Robot. In Proceeding of Lectures of 3rd International Conference Modelling of the Mechanics and Mechatronics Systems - MMaMS 2009. 2009. pp. 312-318. ISBN 978-80-553-0288-1.  OBD 


Articles In Czech Journals

Burkovič, J., Kot, T. Parting and Shaping of Light-Walled Sections. Transactions of the VŠB-TU of Ostrava. 2008, vol. LIV, Mechanical series, no. 1, pp. 21-26. ISSN 1210–0471.  OBD 

Babjak, J., Kot, T., Novák, P., Mostýn, V. Control module for small mobile robots. Sborník vědeckých prací VŠB-TU Ostrava. 2008, roč. LIV, č. 1, s. 1-6. ISSN 1210-0471.  OBD 

Articles In Foreign Journals

Burkovič, J., Kot, T. Technological Solution of Thin-Walled Sections Parting and Shaping. Acta Mechanica Slovaca. 2008, vol. 12, no. 2-A, pp. 121-126. ISSN 1335-2393.  OBD 

Krys, V., Kot, T., Babjak, J., Mostýn, V. Chassis of a mobile robot for environment reconnaissance. Acta Mechanica Slovaca. 2008. ISSN 1335-2393.  OBD 

Krys, V., Kot, T., Babjak, J., Mostýn, V. Testing and calibration of IR proximity sensors. Acta Mechanica Slovaca. 2008, ISSN 1335-2393.  OBD 

Babjak, J., Kot, T., Novák, P., Mostýn, V. Universal control system for mobile robots. Acta Mechanica Slovaca. 2008, vol. 12, no. 2A, p. 37-42. ISSN 1335-2392.  OBD 

Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Babjak, J., Kot, T. Mobile robot control system. In Seminář ASŘ 2008. Ostrava : VŠB TU, 2008. s. 49. ISBN 978-80-248-1727-9.  OBD 

Babjak, J., Kot, T. Multipurpose HW and SW module for mobile robots control. In ERIN 2008. Bratislava : SjF STU Bratislava, 2008. p. I-10. ISBN 978-80-227-2849-2.


Articles In Czech Journals

Burkovič, J., Kot, T. Robotized Production Cells for ARC Welding. Transactions of the VŠB-TU of Ostrava. 2007, roč. LIII, Mechanical series, č. 1, s. 15-21. ISSN 1210–0471.  OBD 

Articles In Foreign Journals

Krys, V., Kot, T. Virtual model of a locomotory subsystem of a service robot in MSC.ADAMS simulation system environment. AT&P journal PLUS1. 2007. pp. 211-213. ISSN 1336-5010.  OBD 


Articles In Czech Journals

Burkovič, J., Kot, T. Service robots for maintenance of greenery around roads and highways. Transactions of the VŠB-TU of Ostrava. 2006, vol. LII, Mechanical series, no. 1, pp. 9-14. ISSN 1210–0471.  OBD 

Articles In Foreign Journals

Mostýn, V., Kot, T. Checking system of the dynamic stability of a vehicle. Acta Mechanica Slovaca. 2006, vol. 10, no. 2-A, pp. 331-336. ISSN 1335-2393.  OBD 

Burkovič, J., Mihola, M., Kot, T. Robotization In Technology of Machining. Acta Mechanica Slovaca. 2006, vol. 10, pp. 77-82. ISSN 1335-2393.  OBD 


Contributions In International Conferences Or Workshops

Kot, T., Turoň, M. Adding control system to ADAMS models. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference: 55th anniversary of foundation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ostrava, 7. 9. - 9. 9. 2005. Ostrava : VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2005. Session 5 - Robotics. pp. 49-54. ISBN 80-248-0905-2.

Krys, V., Kot, T. Using the simulation system MSC.ADAMS for hydraulic driven manipulator design. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference: 55th anniversary of foundation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ostrava, 7. 9. - 9. 9. 2005. Ostrava : VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2005. Session 5 - Robotics. pp. 55-58. ISBN 80-248-0905-2.