Master’s and Bachelor’s Theses
A total of 27 student theses matching your selection found:
2023/2024 - Master’s Study

master’s thesis
Eva Dobrovská
Feasibility Study for the Production of a New Product on an Existing Production Line.
supervisor: Ing. Michal Vocetka, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Tomáš Drastik
Navigation Subsystem of the K3P4 Mobile Robot
supervisor: Ing. Petr Oščádal, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Jan Filip
Structural Design of The Equipment for Turning Euro Pallets around A Vertical Axis
supervisor: doc. Ing. Milan Mihola, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Aleš Franc
Structural Design of the Euro Pallet Stack
supervisor: doc. Ing. Milan Mihola, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Eva Galová
Simulation of a Palletizing Workstation
supervisor: Ing. Michal Vocetka, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Daniel Hartmann
A Mobile Robot for a Car Chassis Inspection
supervisor: Ing. Dominik Heczko, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Daniel Kovářík
Design of the Positioner for the Welding Workplace - Valk Welding
supervisor: doc. Ing. Milan Mihola, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Radim Kroček
Structural Design of the Automated Tube Stacker
supervisor: doc. Ing. Milan Mihola, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Libor Neuwirth
Stability Analysis of Four-wheel Chassis for Movement in Light Terrain
supervisor: doc. Ing. Aleš Vysocký, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Martin Petřík
Design of an Educational Workplace with an Industrial Robot
supervisor: Ing. Václav Krys, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Vojtěch Skalka
Design of a Positioning Mechanism Module for Photovoltaic Panels
supervisor: Ing. Ján Babjak, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Pavel Škoda
Collaborative Educational Workstation Based on ROS2 for Windows
supervisor: doc. Ing. Aleš Vysocký, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Tereza Vaculíková
Digitization of the FESTO Mechatronic Educational Line
supervisor: Ing. Václav Krys, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Radim Vybíral
Design of an Educational Workplace with a Collaborative Robot
supervisor: Ing. Václav Krys, Ph.D.

master’s thesis
Tomáš Vyroubal
The Digital Twin of the Small Skid Steer Loader
supervisor: prof. Ing. Zdenko Bobovský, Ph.D.
2023/2024 - Bachelor’s Study

bachelor’s thesis
Martin Janoušek
Structural Design of Equipment for Checking the Dimensions of Shafts
supervisor: doc. Ing. Milan Mihola, Ph.D.

bachelor’s thesis
Václav Kubiczek
Design of a Cable Mechanism for Application in Continuum Robotics
supervisor: Ing. Jiří Suder, Ph.D.

bachelor’s thesis
Michal Píšala
Designs of Effectors of a Teaching Workplace with a Collaborative Robot UR3
supervisor: Ing. Václav Krys, Ph.D.

bachelor’s thesis
Ondřej Polách
Digitalization of the SMC Robotic Educational Workplace
supervisor: Ing. Václav Krys, Ph.D.

bachelor’s thesis
Patrik Prucek
Design of a Teleoperation Arm Controller with Five Degrees of Freedom for the K3P4 Robot
supervisor: Ing. Rostislav Wierbica

bachelor’s thesis
Ondřej Salvet
Design of the Communication Interface Subsystem for the K3P4 Robot
supervisor: Ing. Jan Bém

bachelor’s thesis
Lukáš Stříbný
Effector Design for Manipulating of Board Game Pieces
supervisor: Ing. Jakub Chlebek

bachelor’s thesis
Matěj Vrobel
Variable Diameter Print Head Simulation
supervisor: Ing. Petr Oščádal, Ph.D.